A Look Into the Future With Author Evan McFarland
In the new frontier of Big Tech in the 21st century, author Evan McFarland is here to make sense of some of the most challenging questions facing companies, leaders, entrepreneurs, and just about everyone else. We took time to get to know more about Evan’s journey to writing Blockchain Wars, and the impact of his work that we’ve started to experience today.
New Titles to Strengthen Your Leadership Savvy
We turn to books to solve some of the biggest challenges that we face in life: from parenting a newborn baby to learning how to manage our time and so many things in between.
These new titles hone in on leadership skills that are essential for anyone working on a team; whether you have a single person to manage or a team of twenty. Conflict management, keeping on top of modern working trends, and encouraging talent are all covered in these four books you won’t want to miss.
How We’re Getting Ready for Frankfurt Book Fair 2021
With the Frankfurt Book Fair 2021 moving to a hybrid experience, it’s important to Dropcap and the publishers and buyers that we represent to create an online experience that is just as meaningful and enriching as the real deal.
If You Like True Crime, You’ll Love...
Spooky season is upon us, which means it’s a great time to stock up on books that will keep you uncomfortably awake all night. True crime lovers will enjoy these nonfiction titles, selected from our great and growing catalog of nonfiction work that is thought-provoking, in-depth, and mindfully written with broader social impact in mind.
September Featured Title: 8 Ways to Happiness: From Wherever You Are
8 Ways to Happiness is for anyone who has stopped to ask themselves, “Am I happy?” or “Why am I not happy?”, and is not willing to spend 10 years in therapy or take a pill with side effects that make them feel even worse than they do now.
Finance Favorites: New Titles to Fatten Your Wallet
Looking for some inspiration to save and grow your wealth? Or maybe, just a better understanding of current market trends? These fresh titles can get you started on the path of good financial sense, with a sprinkle of entrepreneurial spirit.
Sneak Peeks Worth Celebrating: An Interview With Girl Friday Productions
There are so many reasons to be excited for our interview with the minds behind Girl Friday Productions, Kristin Mehus-Rose and Ingrid Emerick. Not only have they built a fantastic roster of books and authors to be proud of in a truly non-traditional publishing model, but they also continue to support the growth of authors with stories worth telling.
Back to School: New and Upcoming Parenting Titles Worth Checking Out
For parents or even future parents, we are excited to share these three titles that can help you feel prepared and ready for this season of your life.
Self-Care Selections: 4 Books You’ll Be Glad You Found
You can practice the fine art of taking care of yourself every day with a few of our self-care selections. From adding a green tea ritual to your morning to learning how to incorporate gratitude into your daily routine, prioritizing self-care doesn’t require any expensive subscriptions or equipment to get started today.
August Title Feature: Reimagining Collaboration
The change in the way we work has been accelerated collaboration tech: but how do we make this work for us, not against us? This month, we are featuring “Reimagining Collaboration” by Author Phil Simon.
August Children’s Title Feature: Adrift
Our latest children’s title of the month: a timely and relevant picture book about the power of community.
A Tale of Two Agents: Chapter Seven
Sometimes in life, great opportunities really do fall into our laps. Read the latest edition of Tale of Two Agents!
Adventures in Summer Cooking: 4 Books That Will Inspire You
Get inspired to bring something new to the table: check out these 4 cookbooks that will expand your skills and culinary horizons for summer.
A Renaissance Man: Sitting Down With Soren Paul Petrek
We are excited to share an interview with author Soren Paul Petrek, a man with a personal history just as interesting as his thrilling historical fiction. Currently based in St. Paul, Minnesota, Soren has history in the U.S., England, and France. Notably, he is also a practicing criminal trial attorney, admitted to the Minnesota bar in 1991.
August Title of the Month: Blockchain Wars
A balanced mixture of hard science and bold speculation, Blockchain Wars is the definitive guide to both the present and the future of blockchain technology.
August Children’s Title of the Month: Little Laugh & Learn Series
Self-help, kid-style! Kids ages six to nine can tote these handy guides anywhere and boost their skills. With practical advice, silly jokes, fun illustrations, and a kid-centric point of view, these books are the go-to for help with everything, from triumphing over teasing to learning to be a fantastic friend to becoming a self-confidence superstar, and more!
A Tale of Two Agents: New York City and the Mini Apple
Both New York City and Minneapolis — the "Mini Apple" as it has sometimes been addressed — features daily as the backdrop to our DropCap lives.
June 2021 Deal Highlights
Here are a few of our notable licenses from the month of June. If you’d like to inquire about rights, please contact us.
Trending in July
Here are a few of our notable licenses this month. If you’d like to inquire about rights, please contact us.