June 2021 Deal Highlights

Here are a few of our notable licenses this month. If you’d like to inquire about rights, please contact us.

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This Monk Wears Heels by Kodo Nishimura

Originally published in Japanese by Sunmark Publishing

Licensed in English (World) by Watkins Media Limited

Rights Sold: English, Japanese


Mindset Power by Shannon Anderson

Originally published in English by Free Spirit

Licensed in Serbian by Kreativini Centar

Rights Sold: French-speaking Africa, the Maghreb, and Haiti, Serbian


HumanKind by Brad Aronson

Originally published in English by Life Tree Media, an imprint of Wonderwell

Licensed in Russian by AST Publishers

Rights Sold: Russian


Unlock It! by Dan Lok

Originally published in English by ForbesBooks

Licensed in French by Les Éditions La Comédie Française

Rights Sold: Chinese (Traditional), Korean, Polish, French


Automated Stock Trading Systems by Laurens Bensdorp

Originally published in English by Scribe Media

Licensed in Spanish (Worldwide) by Ediciones Obelisco and Yañez, part of International Editors’s Co. S.L. Literary Agency

Rights Sold: Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese, Spanish (Worldwide)


A Tale of Two Agents: New York City and the Mini Apple


Trending in July