Featured Titles for Adults: Heir of Blood and Moonlight & When Fear Speaks Listen
This month’s featured titles for adults include a dark and spicy romance and a book on the “7 Messengers of Fear” that are alive and active within us.
Featured Titles for Kids: 👨🚀 Let Me Wonder & Rockets
This month we are presenting two delightful books one seeks to encourage curiosity, wonder and mindfulness; the other will take you to space.
Featured Titles for Adults: Maternal Ambivalence and Scrambled or Sunny-Side Up?
This month’s featured titles for adults include a title on complex emotions that accompany motherhood and a story of love and loss.
A Tale of Two Agents: Chapter Forty-Seven. Will You Be Our Valentine?
will you be our Valentine? A Tale of Two Agents: Chapter Forty-Seven
Featured Titles for Kids: 🦸 Different Thinkers & Eliza Jane Finds Her Hero
This month we are presenting two delightful books on different thinkers.
Lunar New year 2025 - Special Edition
The Lunar New Year is here: today is the perfect time to immerse ourselves in the rich tapestry of Chinese culture. And we'll do it our way: with a special newsletter dedicated to this market.
Featured Titles for Adults: 🧠 Mindfully Successful & Cerebral Entanglements
This month’s featured titles for adults include a toolbox for tapping into the power of the brain and a book on the latest discoveries in neuroscience.
A Tale of Two Agents: Chapter Forty-Six. Can this be your most NOVEL year yet?
Can this be your most NOVEL year yet? A Tale of Two Agents: Chapter Forty-Six
Featured Titles for Kids: So Many Ways to Be Curious & The Tale of Mustachio
This month we are presenting two delightful books on curiosity and creativity.
A Tale of Two Agents: Chapter Forty-Five. Your DropCap Holiday Round-Up
Giving Thanks! A Tale of Two Agents: Chapter Forty-Five
Featured Titles for Kids: 🪄 Awe & The Sorry Seeds
This month we are presenting a delightful title on awe and an uplifting story that explores the feelings that come with making mistakes.
Best of Frankfurt, Part 2: Fiction
This week we are presenting the top 10 Fiction titles that “rocked” at Frankfurt Book Fair. We hope you enjoy this selection.
A Tale of Two Agents: Chapter Forty-Four. Giving Thanks
Giving Thanks! A Tale of Two Agents: Chapter Forty-Four
Best of Frankfurt, Part 1: Non-Fiction
This week we are presenting the top 10 Non-Fiction titles that “rocked” at Frankfurt Book Fair. We hope you enjoy this selection.
Featured Titles for Kids: 🐝 I Can't Believe They're Gone & They Work
This month we are presenting a kid's grief book that hugs, helps, and gives hope & a delightful title that celebrates nature.
Children & Juvenile 🦄 Top 10 Titles
We have created a selection of our favourite children’s and juvenile books. The exquisite quality of their content meets equally beautiful illustrations.
Featured Titles: The Reset Mindset & Unplug Your Robot
This month’s featured titles for adults include a USA Today bestseller and a guide to liberate yourself from automatic habits and ingrained patterns.
A Tale of Two Agents: Chapter Forty-Three. And we’re off! Frankfurt 2024 pre-boarding
And we’re off! Frankfurt 2024 pre-boarding. Enjoy life. This is not a dress rehearsal. A Tale of Two Agents: Chapter Forty-Three.
Featured Titles for Kids: The Unexpected Guest and The Great & the Small
This month we are presenting a modern classic that has won several awards and a delightful title that celebrates the power of imagination.
Business & Growth Top 10 Titles
On average, we spend approximately one-third of our life working. With all that time spent on the job, how can we make all those hours, relationships, and projects count? The first step is remaining curious and always seeking to learn and enhance our abilities. We have therefore created a selection of our favourite books on business and growth. Please have a look!