Valentina Morotti Valentina Morotti

Beachy Books is an “author-friendly” publisher with big plans for the future

What happens when a published author and writer decides to turn his passion for books into a full-time business? Sheer magic. Philip Bell, director at Beachy Books, established the company in 2009 to publish his first picture book Jack and Boo’s Bucket of Treasures. And he has not stopped to publish great content since. Please join us as we converse about authors, editorial choices and more.

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Valentina Morotti Valentina Morotti

How to get your books noticed by international book publishers

Writing and publishing great books is one thing. Navigating the international relationships required to secure advances, sign contracts, and manage royalty payments is quite another.. We asked our DropCap agents, Allison and Monica, for a few of their best tips for publishers and authors to position their books for international success. Here are their top four:

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Valentina Morotti Valentina Morotti

Covers around the world

Our special journey to Asia continues with some good fiction and nonfiction titles. The books we represent are popular throughout the continent, especially among Korean, Japanese and Chinese publishers. Our Asian partners are licensing, with the help of our amazing co-agents, content that covers a great variety of topics: from bestselling author David Michie’s novels to neuroscience-based studies on the skill set we will have to develop in the future. From inspiring stories on how to overcome limiting beliefs to automated stock trading systems. Get ready to be surprised by the different designs chosen internationally.

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Valentina Morotti Valentina Morotti

Please judge a book by its cover

«Don’t judge a book by its cover», they say. Well, in our profession, this rule does not always apply. Book covers have become essential marketing tools. They can be real masterpieces. Follow us on a unique journey to Asia through many covers that we are particularly proud of.

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Interviews Valentina Morotti Interviews Valentina Morotti

4 essential tools to boost book discoverability

At DropCap, provided that we work at the intersection between the digital- and analogical- world, we have dedicated much energy to crafting and developing our own discoverability ecosystem. With this article, we would like to share our findings on how to maximize online discoverability. Based on our experience working directly with co-agents and publishers, we have identified these four pillars to get content noticed.

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Interviews Valentina Morotti Interviews Valentina Morotti

Making a difference… one book at a time

With this article, very personal, very honest and very emotional 🤩 (hence the abundance of emojis), we will metaphorically raise our glasses 🥂 with you to celebrate our 4th birthday. And even if we are well aware of all the challenges and goals that lie ahead of us, we are infinitely proud of what we have achieved so far: 4 years and almost 1300 rights licenses. Here we go, adding another year to this wonderful adventure. Happiest birthday, DropCap! 🎉

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Interviews Valentina Morotti Interviews Valentina Morotti

A step-by-step guide to build a successful collaboration

The story that you are about to read has all these ingredients and more: it is a story of people who are passionate about what they do and work very hard in pursuing their goals. It is a story of serendipity, synergies and commitment. It is the larger-than-life story behind one of the projects that we are most excited about: Soft Opening.

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Interviews Valentina Morotti Interviews Valentina Morotti

DropCap Q&A: Top Publishing Trends for 2022

January is a perfect time for reflecting on the previous year and looking to the future. Following this premise, our very own Allison Olson and Monica Meehan kindly agreed to reflect together on some lessons that they have learnt in 2021 and to share some ideas on the hottest publishing trends for 2022. Don't miss their insights!

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