Covers around the world

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

Maybe not everyone knows that book covers, at least in the format we are used to nowadays, are a relatively recent invention. Until the late 19th century, they were simple bindings made in leather or vellum whose only function was to protect the printed (or hand-written) pages inside. 

It was only around the 1850s that images started to appear on covers to give an idea of a book’s content. Those simple images of the beginnings have evolved, over time, into a sophisticated form of visual communication: now, they are a vital commercial tool with their own syntax. 

  • Colors are chosen carefully because of their symbolism

  • Typography help communicate the messaging, tone, and sentiment of the book 

  • Layout uses visual hierarchy and arranges elements to show their order of importance

Following these principles, each international edition makes its unique interpretation of cover design’s art. Here are some great examples from Asia.

Time Off

By Time Off LLC

Published in South Korea by Hyundae Jisung Publishing Co. (LENA Agency)

Discover the transformative power of leisure to recapture your calm and creativity. We live in a time where busyness is often seen as a badge of honor. But are your busiest days really the ones that make you feel the most accomplished? If all of your hard work isn't working, it might be time to question the common assumption that “busy” = “productive.” After reaching breaking points in their careers, business coach John Fitch and AI researcher Max Frenzel both learned the critical importance of taking time off. Now these former workaholics are here to help you revolutionize the way you get things done. 

Gig Mindset

By Lioncrest Publishing

Published in South Korea by Frombooks (PubHub Literary Agency)

You don’t have to quit your job to live a balanced life, reskill, unlock new opportunities, or start that side hustle you can’t stop thinking about. You just need the Gig Mindset, and Paul Estes is here to help you adopt it. For years, Paul struggled to balance his home life with fast-moving jobs at Dell, Amazon, and Microsoft. Hiring his first virtual assistant transformed his life—and it can do the same for you. Paul will help you get started with freelancers by utilizing the TIDE Framework: Taskify, Identify, Delegate, and Evolve. 


The Magician of Lhasa

By Conch Books

Published in Taiwan (Traditional Chinese) by Bardon (Chinese Media Agency)

When novice monk Tenzin Dorje is told by his lama that the Red Army is invading Tibet, his country's darkest moment paradoxically gives him a sense of purpose like no other. He accepts a mission to carry two ancient, secret texts across the Himalayas to safety. Half a century later, in a paradox of similarly troubling circumstances, Matt Lester is called upon to convey his own particular wisdom as a scientist, when Matt's nanotech project is mysteriously moved from London to a research incubator in Los Angeles. Tenzin and Matt embark on parallel adventures which have spine-chilling connections.

The Secret Mantra

By Conch Books

Published in Taiwan (Traditional Chinese) by Bardon (Chinese Media Agency)

In a remote, Himalayan monastery, Matt Lester has devoted five years of spiritual preparation for this moment: it is his destiny to open an ancient, sealed scroll containing prophetic wisdom the world urgently needs. But when his time comes, violent assailants steal the scroll. Matt is caught up in a dangerous, high-stakes hunt to recover it, turning him from the pursuer to the pursued.On the other side of the world, the results of scientist Alice Weisenstein’s mind-body healing research are about to be revealed. Things take a sinister turn when her supervisor goes missing — and she realizes she is being followed. Guided by the lamas, Matt’s search for the scroll takes him to Alice. The pair become caught between powerful influences and escalating threats.

Why Does It Hurt? The Fascial Distortion Model

By Beaver's Pond Press

Published in China by Babel Publishing Group (CA-LINK International LLC)

Why Does It Hurt presents a whole new viewpoint on the way our bodies work using FDM, the Fascial Distortion Model. Fascia is the fibrous connective tissue that permeates our bodies and holds everything together. Distorted fascia is often the cause of pain that may not respond to traditional treatments of physical therapy or anti-inflammatory drugs. Thanks to FDM, patients stooped over from chronic back pain now stand straight, and athletes sidelined with sprains quickly return to the game and perform as if nothing happened. 

Naked Warrior

By Dragon Door Publications

Published in China by Infortress Publishing, a division of Walkers Cultural Enterprise Ltd.

From the ancient days of Greek wrestling, to the jealously guarded secrets of Chinese Kung Fu masters, to the hard men of modern spec ops, warriors and allied strongmen have developed an amazing array of skills for generating inhuman strength. But these skills have been scattered far and wide, held closely secret, or communicated in a piecemeal fashion that has left most of us frustrated and far from reaching our true strength potential. Now, for the first time, Russian strength expert and former Spetsnaz instructor Pavel has gathered many of these devastating techniques into one highly teachable skill set. In The Naked Warrior Pavel reveals exactly what it takes to be super-strong in minimum time-when your body is your only tool.

Are You Living with a Narcissist?

By Familius

Published in South Korea by Slow & Steady Publishing Co.

What’s the difference between narcissism and normal love? In the current political and social climate, narcissistic tendencies are coming under more scrutiny, but there are so many nuances to navigate, and many women don't know how to identify or respond to narcissists when they meet them, especially if they happen to be in their own home. In Are You Living with a Narcissist?, psychoanalyst Laurie Hollman, PhD, helps you identify the narcissists in your life and recognize the effect they have on your family and happiness―and what to do about it. 

Automated Stock Trading Systems

By Lioncrest Publishing

Published in Japan by Pan Rolling, Inc. (Tuttle-Mori Agency)

Consistent, benchmark-beating growth, combined with reduced risk, are the Holy Grail of traders everywhere. Laurens Bensdorp has been achieving both for more than a decade. By combining multiple quantitative trading systems that perform well in different types of markets—bull, bear, or sideways—his overall systematized and automated system delivers superlative results regardless of overall market behavior. In his second book, Automated Stock Trading Systems, Bensdorp details a non-correlated, multi-system approach you can understand and build to suit yourself. 

The Only Skill that Matters

By Lioncrest Publishing (imprint of Scribe Media)

Published in South Korea by Frombooks (EntersKorea Co.)

In the next ten years, every knowledge worker on earth will become one of two things: invaluable or obsolete. No matter the industry, the pace of progress and new information is faster today than ever before in human history—and it is accelerating exponentially.

In this new reality, how can we possibly hope to keep up? How can we learn, unlearn, and relearn fast enough to stay relevant in the world to come? In The Only Skill That Matters, Jonathan Levi unveils a powerful, neuroscience-based approach to reading faster, remembering more, and learning more effectively.

Your Lion Inside

By Advantage

Published in South Korea by Korean Porche Publishing (BC Agency)

In this manifesto of hope, Kimberly Faith―author, speaker, executive coach, and self-described graduate of the school of hard knocks―traces women’s activism and movements for change from 1920, when American women gained the right to vote. Simultaneously, Kim breaks down the limiting mental models that are still standing in the way―often unconsciously―and brings them to life with the Sisterhood, seven stories of women who overcame obstacles in their professional and personal lives. Get ready to be inspired by these stories―as well as how Kim rewrote her own life story―and break through the glass ceiling in your world. It starts with Your Lion Inside. Right here. Right now.

If you would like to inquire about rights for any of these titles, please contact us.


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