November 2021 Deal Highlights

Here are a few of our notable licenses from the past month. If you’d like to inquire about rights, please contact us.

Real World AI: A Practical Guide for Responsible Machine Learning By Alyssa Simpson Rochwerger and Wilson Pang

Originally Published in English by Scribe Media

Rights Sold: China Science and Technology Press Co. Ltd. and CA Link - Chinese Simplified

Blockchain Wars: The Future of Big Tech Monopolies and the Blockchain Internet by Evan McFarland

Originally Published in English by Evan McFarland

Rights Sold: China Science and Technology Press Co. Ltd. and CA Link - Chinese Simplified

Holistic Wealth: 32 Life Lessons to Help You Recover from Disruption, Find Your Life Purpose, and Achieve Financial Freedom By Keisha Blair

Originally Published in English by Girl Friday Books

Rights Sold: Édesvíz Kft - Hungarian

Story Like You Mean It: How to Build and Use Your Personal Narrative to Illustrate Who You Really Are By Dr. Dennis Rebelo

Originally Published in English by Scribe Media

Rights Sold: Europa Verlag - German

Playing With Baby: Research-Based Play to Bond With Your Baby From Birth to One Year By Laurie Hollman, PHD

Originally Published in English by Familius

Rights Sold: Desk Založba d.o.o - Slovenian


Publisher Highlights: The Himalayan Institute


A Tale of Two Agents: Chapter Ten