Indie Translation Rights Deals: Spring of 2023 Most-Licensed Books Revealed

When we first launched our partnership with IBPA in the fall of 2022, we knew we were entering into a new chapter here at DropCap.

We’ve seen the writing on the wall for years: quality self-published books are reaching the same, if not MORE success than their traditionally published counterparts.

For our international translations rights buyers, this has meant that we have had even more opportunities to match them with the content they are looking for. 

Don’t Believe Everything You Think, self-published by Joseph Nguyen, has been licensed in more than 30 languages with the help of DropCap agents Allison Olson and Monica Meehan.


The Independent Book Publishers Association (IBPA) has a long-standing reputation of being the authority on all things indie publishing.

Our agents had the opportunity to present to IBPA members at their yearly conference this year, to talk about how translation rights work and the opportunities for indie authors in this space. 

Allison Olson and Monica Meehan with Terry Nathan, COO at IBPA, at IBPA’s PubU Conference in May, 2023.


Spring 2023 IBPA Indie Author Success Stories

The Book of Azrael, by Amber Nicole, has been licensed in Russian, with pending contracts in Polish, French, and Turkish.


Allison, DropCap Agent

“Global interest in The Book of Azrael was almost instant. The book’s beautiful cover and outstanding sales made our international buyers very excited. We know that the deals for this book– as well as its sequel, The Throne of Broken Gods– are just getting started.”

What is ChatGPT Doing… and Why Does it Work?, by Stephen Wolfram, has been licensed in 11 languages and counting, including Chinese, Bulgarian, and Hindi.


Adventures of a Computational Explorer, by Stephen Wolfram, has been licensed in Simplified Chinese with the help of DropCap.

Monica, DropCap Agent

“There’s no doubt that ChatGPT has taken the world by storm, and Stephen Wolfram’s books came at a perfect time to catch the attention of the global book marketplace. These indie books are a great example of quality content at the right time.”


Is your indie book the next IBPA success story? Click here for more information about our exciting partnership and to see if your book is a good fit for DropCap.


DropCap Partner Spotlight: Common Deer Press


Featured Titles: Making Work Work & Unleash Your Transformation