Indie Author Success Stories From DropCap Marketplace

When we created DropCap Marketplace, we knew we had the potential to revolutionize how indie authors could bring their books to the global stage.

We are so excited to share some of our favorite success stories so far!

Rise of the Reader by Nick Hutchison


What our agents say:

Rise of the Reader, by Nick Hutchison, had immediate attention from our global rights buyers when it was brought to us through DropCap Marketplace. Books about developing healthy habits are always popular, and Nick has an outstanding platform with a lot of domestic success. We were able to sell the Simplified Chinese rights, and feel confident that’s just the beginning!”


What I Mean When I Say I’m Autistic by Annie Kotowicz


What our agents say:

What I Mean When I Say I’m Autistic, by Annie Kotowicz, came to us through our partnership with the Independent Book Publisher’s Association (IBPA). This is a wonderful example of a book being the right book at the right time. We have recently sold the Polish rights for this outstanding title, and look forward to even more possibilities in the future!”


The Girl in the Water by Joseph Howse


What our agents say:

The Girl in the Water, by Joseph Howse, came to us directly through DropCap Marketplace and immediately caught our attention with its award wins and accolades. The author took advantage of one of our promotional opportunities exclusive to DropCap Marketplace members, and we have already had international interest! We are very excited to see what’s in store for this book!”


The Opposite is True by Efren Delgado


What our agents say:

The Opposite is True, by Efren Delgado, came to us through DropCap Marketplace and was part of an email marketing campaign to showcase select titles to our rights buyers. The response for this title was immediate, and we are very excited to see where this title goes in the world!”

Thanks to our cutting-edge matchmaking software, writers can seamlessly connect with international rights buyers. This means newfound exposure and opportunities for talented indie authors like Joseph Nguyen, who is now an international bestseller thanks to our agenting team at DropCap!


Interested in seeing your title showcased and matched with rights buyers worldwide? List your book with us on DropCap Marketplace and take advantage of all our team has to offer for indie authors!


A Tale of Two Agents: Chapter Thirty-Six. Fair Thee Well


Featured Titles: Relationships 5.0 & The Gift of Self Love